Wednesday, 7 October 2009

About our School Presentations

We are just about to start out on the road with our 2009-2010 presentation. Here is a summary of what it contains:

A Star Future delivers approximately 100 presentations each year in schools up and down the country. Every year, we aim to ensure that tomorrow's students have the information they need to consider international opportunities as part of their future. We often find that we are the only source of information for many of the schools that we visit.

Our presentation addresses some of the key reasons why students should consider going abroad. We look at the career benefits of international experience as well as the personal benefits to the individual.

Increasingly we address the financial implications of higher education. As going to university becomes more expensive, more British students are willing to look at universities in other countries. From free education in some European countries to world leading education in the USA, Australia and New Zealand (for a little more than staying at home), the options have never been greater.

International higher education is a global phenomenon, one which British students are in danger of missing out on. As universities in the United Kingdom increasingly attract students from all around the world, tomorrow's students need to be aware that they will be entering a job market containing not only their peers but global citizens who have already amassed considerable international experience. Too often, international study opportunities are offered to British students when it is too late for them to participate. For this reason, we aim our presentations at Year 12 (Lower VI) students.

As a result of our presentation, students should be aware of some of the main opportunities available to them such as:

  • summer schools
  • semesters abroad/exchanges
  • undergraduate degrees abroad
  • joint degrees in two countries
  • internship opportunities

Most of the opportunities we present are available in the English language. However, we would always recommend that students should learn the local language of the country they live in and we also offer advice on the best ways to learn.

After every presentation we provide email support to all students who are interested in learning more. We also provide each school that we visit with an information pack containing brochures and prospectuses of our partner institutions.

Because of our limited resources, it is difficult for us to be in more than one place at a time. Our presentation is typically free of charge to schools if it is booked within one of our scheduled visits to the right part of the country. For more information about our 2009-2010 schedule click here.


We have a regular audience of schools that we get to every year but we are always interested in adding more to our list.

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