Monday, 29 March 2010

Degree Exodus?

Well, that is perhaps stretching a point but an article in yesterday's Sunday Times(scroll to bottom for relevant section) shows that European universities are seeing an increase in applications from British students.

Universities in Ireland, The Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and Norway are probably the most likely beneficiaries but English-language education in other countries such as France, Spain and Italy could also see an increase in applications.

I would suggest that the increase in interest is motivated primarily by the shortage of places available at English universities because the "study now, pay later" financial model that tuition fees and student loans facilitate means that very few students are confronted with the financial reality of studying in this country; failing to find a place is a very different matter. As indicated in our previous post, when the only careers advice available is to defer university entry, students will start to look elsewhere for support.

We have now reached the Easter holidays but in the last two months I have spent almost every day in schools throughout England. Some of these schools have mentioned that their students are all placed (subject to grades) this year. However, there are an increasing number of schools who are worried about their Year 13 students and we are finding a greater willingness to consider international education.

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